Introduced Species
The Oromi are a non-telepathic species of aquatic lifeforms that live symbiotically with the Ulaami. Successful populations typically range from 30-200 with mega-herds ranging in the thousands. Oromi are a complex, tool-building, and structure-forming species which have constructed intricate bonds with the Ulaami species.

The Woon’lopen are a species of large, aquatic mammals native to Zalda. Woon’lopen herds develop specific bark dialects, language, and culture. They are highly social and territorial creatures that coexist with Zaldans, though were nearly exterminated for their blubber and oil before Zaldans industrialized.

The Zeccarian are a species of omnivorous plants which engage in herding, shepherding, and domesticating other species of plants and animals. They are a socially complex race that have survived a violent planetary-wide genocide. The Zeccarian utilize electricity produced by fungi to power their communication, homes, and communal facilities.